
A Message from the Developer

Below is the April Developer’s Update:

  • 21 home sales and 9 closed homes this year.
  • Sec. 17 (60’ Lots) – The Monument and Fencing project is Complete.  The Landscaping project is near completion and anticipated to be Substantially Completion by the middle of this month.
  • Sec. 18 (40’ Lots) – Engineering design is currently underway.

  • Sec. 20 (40’ Lots) – Both the Monument and Fencing project and the Landscaping project are currently underway.

  • Sec. 21 (50’ Lots) – The Landscaping project is Substantially Complete.  Dry utility construction is complete.

  • Sec. 22 (60’ Lots) – Construction is scheduled to begin this month.  Lots are scheduled to be delivered in Q4 of this year.

  • Sec. 23 (50’ Lots) – Construction is scheduled to begin this month.  Lots are scheduled to be delivered in Q4 of this year.

  • Kendal Ridge Ln. Lakes – The electrical construction required for the fountain in the eastern lake is complete and the electrical meter has been requested from Entergy.  Once the meter is installed, the fountain will be installed and operational.  It is anticipated that the meter and fountain will be installed by the end of this month.

  • HOA – New seasonal color has been installed throughout the community.